December 4, 2023
3 min

Saudi Teams Up with Canadian Mining Giant to Discover Electric Metals

Ivanhoe Electric and Ma'aden has entered into a joint venture to explore the Saudi Arabian Shield for electric materials.


Big Idea:

Ivanhoe Electric has launched a major 50/50 joint venture with Ma’aden, a Saudi state-owned mining company, to mine the underexplored Saudi Arabian Shield for copper, gold, and other electric metals. 

Why It Matters:

The JV grants the Canadian copper miner access to 48,500 km2 of land and will be mined using Ivanhoe’s proprietary Typhoon technology to unearth vast deposits of critical minerals. 

Key Details:

  • Ma’aden has invested $127.1 million into Ivanhoe’s common stock for a 9.9% equity interest.
  • Typhoon offers advanced and accurate geophysical survey capabilities, identifying sulfide minerals potentially containing copper, nickel, gold, and silver (as well as water and oil) at depths of over 1.5 kilometers, offering more eco-friendly and efficient exploration methods.
  • The successful discovery of mineral deposits could significantly boost Saudi Arabia's mining sector, crucial for renewable technologies.
“We are deploying Ivanhoe Electric’s proprietary Typhoon surveying technology, supported by the combined expertise of our joint exploration and geophysical teams on the ground, to find new sources of critical minerals and support Vision 2030, which aims to position mining as a third pillar of the Saudi Arabian economy,” said Ivanhoe Electric’s Executive Chairman Robert Friedland.

What's Next:

Completion of the first Typhoon survey by the end of 2023, with subsequent exploration phases targeting the Wadi Bidah and Bir Umq Belts in 2024 and 2025.

Dive Deeper:

The exploration focuses initially on the Al Amar Belt, an area with historical evidence of mineralization, indicating a high prospectivity for major discoveries.

The Intrigue:

The Saudi’s investment in electric metals reveals a potential shift in focus away from fossil fuels and an interest in more sustainable forms of energy.

Looking Ahead:

Ivanhoe has 100% acquired Kaizen Discovery, a Canadian mineral exploration company with projects in Peru. The Pinaya Project in Peru contains mineral resources of copper and gold.

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