January 13, 2024
5 min

Muon Space Contracted To Capture Cloud Data For The US Air Force

Cloud characterization data is crucial for defense planning and strategy.


Big Idea:

Muon Space, a Silicon Valley startup, will use its advanced EO/IR satellite technology to capture cloud characterization data from space for the U.S. Air Force.

Why It Matters:

The aging Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) satellites have become limited in capabilities. Cloud characterization is crucial for the military, as accurate data on cloud cover is essential for launching munitions and planning satellite imagery collections. Muon Space’s technology will address the gaps and and improve the Air Force's defense capabilities.

Key Details:

  • Muon Space has raised $35 million in funding and successfully launched its first satellite, MuSat-1, in June 2023, with plans for subsequent launches in 2024.
  • Muon Space has landed key contracts, including a $400,000 Space Force deal for space weather data and a $2.8 million agreement with the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center Weather Systems Branch.
  • The company’s satellites, equipped with advanced EO/IR instruments, are designed for high-fidelity monitoring.
  • Muon Space’s technology promises to provide more accurate and frequent cloud cover data, enhancing military operations and intelligence planning while offering detailed insights into climate change impacts.
“Muon Space is developing an EO/IR constellation solution that offers a commercial path to fill these gaps,” said Greg Smirin, president of Muon Space.

What's Next:

With the planned launch of software-defined microwave sensors in February 2024, Muon Space is set to expand its technological footprint in the industry.

By the Numbers:

  • 3 satellites planned by Muon Space: MuSat-1, MuSat-2, MuSat-3
  • 2024 target launch for Muon Space's microwave sensor
  • Muon Space’s first satellite, MuSat-1 weighs 70 kg

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