Food Tech
January 15, 2024
2 min

French Food Tech Startup Receives €3M to Boost Sustainable Dairy Alternative

Standing Ovation receives government funding for their non-animal casein products.


Big Idea:

Paris-based food tech innovator, Standing Ovation, has received €3 million to scale production of their non-animal caseins using their patented precision fermentation process. 

Why It Matters:

The project is receiving €2 million in funding over a 20-month period from the French government via France 2030, with 60% of the funding being in the form of a grant. The backing from Bpifrance, which includes a €1 million Green Invest EU Investment Loan, emphasizes the dedication of public authorities to propel the progress of sustainable and innovative food solutions.

Key Details:

  • The BBC Climate Change Food Calculator shows the environmental cost of traditional dairy, with 30 grams of cheese consumed daily equating to nearly 900 miles of petrol car emissions annually.
  • The production of vegan casein through precision fermentation can result in up to 98% less water and 65% less energy usage compared to conventional dairy production.
  • Standing Ovation's approach to produce non-animal caseins via precision fermentation provides a sustainable alternative to traditional dairy without compromising nutrition or taste.
"Standing Ovation's innovative approach enables us to contribute to the food transition while significantly reducing the environmental impact of the dairy ingredients industry," commented Romain Chayot, CEO & Co-founder of Standing Ovation.

What’s Next:

Standing Ovation's project enters its industrialization phase, testing the scalability and commercial viability of its technology. Success could lead to broad adoption of non-animal caseins and other similar products.

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