Artificial Intelligence
March 22, 2024
3 min

Tensorplex Labs Secures $3M to Pioneer Decentralized AI Landscape

The Web3 and AI startup aims to decentralize AI by building infrastructure that facilitates capital and human contributions to open-source AI.


Big Idea:

Web3 and AI startup Tensorplex Labs successfully raised $3 million in seed funding for their mission to develop infrastructure for decentralized AI networks.

Why It Matters:

The funding round was led by notable crypto-focused venture funds like Canonical Crypto and Collab+Currency, highlighting a shift towards decentralized AI technologies. This signals a trend in breaking up the centralized commodity that is currently AI and pushing for a future where AI is a collective and ever-evolving force.

Key Details:

  • For their first product, Tensorplex launched stTAO, a liquid staking token for Bittensor (TAO), which has already achieved over $12 million in total value.
  • Significant milestones include achieving rank 1 in Bittensor’s Subnet 6 and 9, gathering $80 million worth of TAO delegated to validators, and developing a Bittensor-powered Web3 Research Platform as a proof of concept. The tool is used for aggregating crypto market information, which will be upgraded with the TPLX-LLM model for improved summaries and insights.
  • Stream is an application developed to showcase the use of Bittensor Subnets in powering Web3 platforms, simplifying the collection of the latest crypto market information. With the release of Tensorplex's TPLX-LLM, Stream will be updated to provide more precise summaries and deeper insights. 

What's Next:

With the seed funding, Tensorplex plans to continue developing applications and infrastructure for decentralized AI networks in Web3, including introducing a new Bittensor subnet that incentivizes human participation in AI training. They are getting ready to accommodate a wider group of participants to join the decentralized AI ecosystem.

Dive Deeper:

The company's commitment to leveraging decentralized finance and proof-of-stake mechanisms for AI brings a novel approach to ensuring transparency and equity in AI's evolution. By embedding these technologies within the fabric of Web3, Tensorplex is not just contributing to the technical discourse but also nurturing a community-driven paradigm where technological advancements are democratically governed.

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