January 11, 2024
3 min

Veterans Affairs Department Approves Psychedelics-Based Treatments for Mental Health

The US Department of Veteran Affairs will fund research for psychedelics-based therapies for the first time.


Big Idea:

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has committed to financing research into MDMA and psilocybin therapies for veteran mental health care.

Why It Matters: 

This is a major change in how PTSD and depression are treated in veterans, leveraging the therapeutic potential of psychedelics for mental health conditions.

Key Details:

  • Studies indicate up to 88% reduction in PTSD symptoms and 87% in depression symptoms following psychedelic therapy.
  • The research combines MDMA and psilocybin with psychotherapy, diverging from traditional mental health treatments.
  • Fiscal 2024 National Defense Authorization Act empowers active-duty service members' participation in clinical trials, broadening research scope.
  • Clinical trials to involve 30 U.S. Special Operations veterans, providing a focused study group.
"Our nation's veterans deserve the very best care, and VA is constantly supporting innovations to deliver that," said VA Secretary Denis McDonough.


MDMA-based treatment for mental health and PTSD is becoming more mainstream. Lykos Therapeutics, formerly MAPS, recently raised $100 million to advance psychedelic research and applied for FDA approval in December.

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