January 3, 2024
4 min

US Defense Spends $515M On Satellites To Enhance their Space Network

Rocket Lab has secured a contract to build 18 small satellites for the US highlighting a growing commercial use of space by the military.


Big Idea:

Rocket Lab has secured a $515 million contract to construct and manage 18 small satellites for a U.S. government agency, as revealed in an SEC regulatory filing. The customer is likely the Space Development Agency (SDA), an organization under the U.S. Space Force, working on the Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture, a network of military satellites in low Earth orbit.

Why It Matters:

The small satellite (smallsat) sector, valued at $3.23 billion, is projected to reach $5.88 billion by 2030 due to innovative technologies and rising application demands. This trend highlights a shift towards versatile, cost-effective space technologies. Rocket Lab's contract supports strategic defense and communication advancements, underlining the growing commercial use of space by the military.

Key Details:

  • Rocket Lab's contract involves designing, manufacturing, delivering, and operating 18 satellites with AI and advanced propulsion to enhance U.S. defense and intelligence in low Earth orbit.
  • This deal represents a major growth in SDA's Transport Layer Tranche 2 Beta, a military satellite mesh network, which aims to expand the U.S. military low Earth orbit constellation with 90 satellites. 

What's Next:

Rocket Lab's ongoing projects, the Neutron rocket and the Photon satellites, showcase the company's forward trajectory, expanding operations and competing in the larger payload market. The satellite launches are planned for 2026 and 2027.

Dive Deeper:

The broader context is the U.S. making continued efforts to preserve their edge in the strategic space domain. The incorporation of advanced communication technologies in satellites such as using UHF and S-band frequencies for beyond line-of-sight connectivity highlights this.

By the Numbers:

  • $1.4 trillion: Projected value of the space industry, including small satellites and private launches, by 2030.
  • 82%: Percentage of smallsats launched between 2018 and 2027 that are part of constellations.
  • 7,000: Number of smallsats expected to be launched between 2018 and 2027.

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