November 22, 2023
2 min

US Defense Company Launches Space-based 5G Network

Lockheed Martin is gearing up for the 2024 launch of a satellite into low Earth orbit as part of their space-based 5G network initiative.


Big Idea:

Lockheed Martin, leading US defense security company, is set to launch a satellite into low Earth orbit in 2024, as part of their space-based 5G network initiative. This project aims to enhance global connectivity and advance military communication capabilities.

Why It Matters:

This advancement integrates space technology with terrestrial networks to meet the rising demand for reliable, high-speed communication in remote areas. This move highlights the importance of space assets in global communications.

Key Details:

  • The project, 5G.MIL, was initiated in 2020 to meet military demands for high-speed wireless communications.
  • A regenerative 5G satellite base station capable of performing all network functions, including user authentication, directly in space.
  • It provides enhanced connectivity for military and civilian applications, even in regions without terrestrial network support.
“Space will be the major enabler of being able to use 5G across different platforms. “It’s been slower to get traction because of the cost, and you’ve got to have standards to be able to make this work across the industry," said Joe Rickers, VP of connectivity, transport and access at Lockheed Martin. "It’s really starting to come together. We’ve still got a ways to go but we’ve seen a lot of progress.”

What's Next:

This launch could lead to increased adoption of space-based 5G networks, opening new opportunities in both civilian and defense sectors.

The Intrigue:

Is this US defense darling trying to give Space X’s Starlink a run for their money by moving in to the satellite internet space? This project also straddles the line between defense and commercial interests, raising questions about the balance of security and accessibility in global communications.

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