November 24, 2023
2 min

Uranium Prices to Triple as Nuclear Power Surges In Popularity

Uncover the seismic shift in the energy landscape as uranium demand skyrockets, propelling prices to triple digits for the first time since 2007.


Big Idea:

The demand for uranium is surging, with prices soaring to triple digits for the first time since 2007, as countries transition from fossil fuels to alternative energy such as nuclear power. The imbalance is creating a supply deficit for uranium.

Why It Matters:

The market is driven by green energy policies from governments and also a need for more secure and secure energy sources than wind and solar energy. Geopolitical factors such as the war in Ukraine are further spurring this shift.

Key Details:

  • The uranium spot price is expected to rise from $79/lb to over $100/lb within a year.
  • Rising uranium prices are boosting uranium stocks and spurring the reopening and expansion of mines worldwide, especially in Canada and Australia.
“Our goal is to have as large a vehicle as possible, as liquid as possible so that more and more investors can participate in the sector,” said John Ciampaglia, CEO of Sprott Asset Management. “Most of the world is pivoting back to nuclear energy after largely ignoring it for 10 years.”

What's Next:

The future looks set for a sustained bull market in uranium. With rising demand and constrained supply, the sector is poised for growth and in uranium miners and developers as well as investments in new and existing nuclear power plants.

Dive Deeper:

Canada's Athabasca Basin, spanning roughly 100,000 square kilometers in Northern Saskatchewan and Alberta, hosts the world's richest uranium deposits, with grades 20 times higher than the global average. This region propelled Canada to become the world’s largest uranium producer, until Kazakhstan surpassed it in 2009. Currently, Kazakhstan produces 43% of the world's uranium.

By the Numbers:

  • 50% increase in uranium prices this year.
  • 145 million lb. projected global yellowcake supply.
  • 180 million lb. current annual demand, set to nearly double by 2040.
  • 60+ nuclear plants currently under construction worldwide.

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