March 7, 2024
5 min

The Biotech Resurgence

This current wave of biotech investment aligns with a broader investor thesis that views the sector as a ripe area for growth.


Big Idea:

The biotech industry is witnessing a revival in the early months of 2024 with a series of IPOs worth around $100 million or more and startup financings. This uptick, along with the recovery of biotech’s flagship stock funds and a surge in dealmaking, has sparked optimism about the industry's health.

Why It Matters:

The recent success stories include companies like CG Oncology, Kyverna Therapeutics, and ArriVent Biopharma, which not only raised more funds than anticipated but also saw their stock prices increase post-IPO. Biotech venture capital has pulled in approximately $15 billion annually in the last two years.

State of Play:

Invivo Partners, a Barcelona-based venture capital firm, is close to securing a new fund of €100 million ($109 million), with a potential to extend up to €120 million, marking its third fund since inception. The firm has conducted notable acquisitions like Sanifit Therapeutics by Vifor Pharma for €205 million and Versantis by Genfit for about €43 million.

Yes, But: 

However, the sustainability of this IPO resurgence remains uncertain. Following a brisk period of activity in late January and early February, no new IPO plans have been announced. 

Key Details:

  • The early 2024 period saw eight biotech companies launch IPOs, raising a cumulative $1.2 billion—a stark contrast to the preceding years' more modest figures.
  • This trend is powered by significant advancements in drug development and biotechnology, drawing investor attention back to the sector.
  • The influx of capital and heightened market activity could accelerate the development and availability of cutting-edge medical therapies.

What's Next:

Observers are cautiously watching whether this initial burst will translate into sustained growth for the sector or if it represents a temporary spike in a typically volatile market landscape.


The IPO slowdown since late 2021 has had a cascading effect on venture funding for biotech startups, making it more challenging to raise funds at desirable valuations. 

The Intrigue:

The focus on late-stage, de-risked investments raises questions about the financing landscape for early-stage biotech innovators and whether a shift in investor sentiment could broaden the pool of IPO candidates.

The Bottom Line:

This current wave of investment aligns with a broader investor thesis that views biotech as a ripe area for growth, driven by technological advancements and an increasing demand for healthcare innovation.

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