March 6, 2024
3 min

Terran Orbital Secures $15M Contract With US Space Force

The contract was facilitated by Axient Corp, acting on behalf of the Air Force Research Lab to manage small-satellite military experiments.


Big Idea:

Terran Orbital’s $15 million contract for hardware and integration services to support U.S. Space Force experiments enhance the capabilities of national security satellites and defense capabilities.

Why It Matters:

This partnership exemplifies how emergent technologies can bolster the U.S. defense infrastructure, ensuring a competitive edge in space. It underscores the vital role of innovation in national security and the increasing reliance on small satellites for versatile, cost-effective solutions in space exploration and defense.


The contract was facilitated by Axient Corp, acting on behalf of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), to manage small-satellite military experiments following their own contract win in September 2023.

The Intrigue:

This announcement comes on the heels of Lockheed Martin’s proposal to acquire Terran Orbital a few days earlier. Lockheed Martin already owns a significant stake - over $500 million - in the company.

Key Details:

  • Under the agreement, Terran Orbital will provide two Ambassador-class satellite platforms along with support equipment and integration services for U.S. Space Force missions.
  • The contract involves supplying Ambassador-class satellite platforms and supporting equipment, integrated with ESPA Grande for rideshare missions—highlighting advances in payload capacity and satellite integration.
  • Enhances the U.S. Space Force's capabilities for national security missions, potentially transforming satellite deployment strategies and industry standards for small satellites.
"Terran Orbital's partnership with the U.S. Space Force signifies a pivotal moment in our quest for superior space capabilities, ensuring our readiness and strategic advantage in an increasingly contested domain," remarked Marc Bell, CEO of Terran Orbital.

What's Next:

Delivery of the Ambassador platforms is expected within 12 months, aligning with the technologies used for the Space Development Agency’s Tranche 1 Transport Layer satellites. The successful deployment and operation of these satellites could lead to further contracts and solidify Terran Orbital's position as a key player in defense and commercial space missions. 

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