January 5, 2024
4 min

Supercrystals Use Sunlight to Produce Hydrogen Sustainably

This technology can produce hydrogen without using fossil fuels.


Big Idea: 

The two-dimensional supercrystal technology developed at Ludwig Maximilian University is capable of generating hydrogen from formic acid using sunlight. Using plasmonic nanostructures to concentrate solar energy efficiently, these structures, made from a plasmonic metal (gold in this case), interact strongly with visible light, enhancing energy absorption.

Why It Matters:

The nanomaterial offers a new method to harness sunlight and photocatalysts, allowing light energy to be directly utilized for chemical reactions without the need to generate electricity. This contributes to sustainable hydrogen production without the need for fossil fuels and has broader applications in reactions such as converting CO2 into usable substances.

Key Details:

  • Supercrystals use plasmonic and catalytic metals, such as gold and platinum, to concentrate solar energy, creating hotspots that drive efficient chemical reactions for hydrogen production.
  • The supercrystal technology achieved a world record for green hydrogen production from formic acid using sunlight, demonstrating a rate of 139 millimoles per hour per gram of catalyst.
"Where the high-energy particles of sunlight meet atomic structures is where our research begins," says Emiliano Cortés, lead researcher. "We are working on material solutions to capture and use solar energy more efficiently."

What's Next:

We can expect continued research focused on enhancing the efficiency and scalability of these nanostructures.

Dive Deeper:

This breakthrough can offer an alternative to established methods such as photovoltaic and electrolysis-based hydrogen production in the clean energy sector. If produced at scale and affordably, supercrystals might reduce hydrogen production costs and become more widely available.

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