December 19, 2023
3 min

Sam Altman's Crypto Venture Unveils Iris Verification Tech

Worldcoin is integrating their ID verification tech to top platforms and expanding in more countries.


Big Idea:

Worldcoin, led by Sam Altman, is pioneering a new type of digital identification by integrating World ID with top platforms, offering a new approach to identity verification. The technology makes it easier to distinguish between bots and "verified humans" online, providing developers with a more streamlined way to build integrations.

Why It Matters:

Worldcoin combines blockchain technology with practical applications across platforms like Minecraft, Reddit, Telegram, Shopify, and Mercado Libre.

Key Details:

  • Nearly 5 million global users have a World ID, with 2.6 million using the iris-scanning Orb hardware. 
  • Worldcoin has expanded onboarding in Mexico and Singapore, with plans to bring the platform to more countries in Asia. 
  • World ID 2.0 offers three levels of authentication, including iris and facial recognition, enhancing user verification processes.
  • Worldcoin’s valuation reached $3 billion, with its Series C funding round bringing in $115 million.
  • Key players include co-founders Sam Altman, Max Novendstern, and Alex Blania, as well as investors like Blockchain Capital, a16z, and Bain Capital Crypto.

Yes, But:

The company has faced criticism, including a ban in Kenya over concerns about data security and privacy measures. Critics have also alleged that Worldcoin targets developing countries, offering participants outside the U.S. and some other countries 25 WLD tokens (worth approximately $60.5) for signing up. However, Worldcoin remains focused on global expansion and improving its platform.

Dive Deeper:

The deployment of Worldcoin's technology in developing countries highlights blockchain's potential to provide solutions in varied economic landscapes while also raising concerns about 'crypto-colonialism' and exploitation in less-regulated markets.

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