February 16, 2024
2 min

Psychedelics Company Secures $6M For Mental Health Treatment

In addition to the raise, Dr. Rick Doblin of MAPS has joined Numinus as an unpaid strategic advisor.


Big Idea: 

Numinus Wellness Inc. has successfully secured $6 million in funding to advance psychedelic-assisted therapies and integrate these treatments into mainstream healthcare.

Why It Matters: 

With the emergence of evidence-based, psychedelic-assisted therapies, Numinus' capital raise and strategic partnerships underscore the growing confidence in psychedelics' therapeutic potential.

Key Details:

  • Numinus completed a $6 million public offering, selling 50,000,000 units at $0.12 per unit.
  • The funds will fuel research into psychedelic-assisted therapies, including MDMA for trauma treatment.
  • Key figures like Dr. Rick Doblin of MAPS have thrown their support behind Numinus, enhancing its credibility and influence in the psychedelic research community.
"This financing provides us the resources to act on opportunities and demonstrates support for our work in the markets," stated Payton Nyquvest, Numinus' Founder and CEO.

What's Next: 

Numinus' capital infusion is set to accelerate clinical trials and expand its training platform for therapists, crucial for the widespread adoption of psychedelic therapies. With FDA's nod towards MDMA research, the industry is on the cusp of a major breakthrough in mental health treatment.

The Intrigue: 

As psychedelics gain acceptance, the interplay between regulatory progress, public perception, and commercial viability becomes complex. 

Guiding the Narrative:

This development aligns with the growing investor interest in mental health technologies, reinforcing the narrative that psychedelic-based treatments are not just viable but essential for future healthcare landscapes.

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