February 16, 2024
4 min

Orienspace Raises $83.5M and Propels Chinese Space Endeavors Forward

Chinese space startup's latest funding and development plans for the Gravity-2 rocket highlights China's accelerating progress in the global space race.


Big Idea:

China's commercial space sector is rapidly closing the gap with global leaders. Orienspace, a Chinese launch firm, recently announced a series B funding round of nearly 600 million yuan ($83.5 million), marking a significant milestone in China's quest to cultivate a thriving commercial space ecosystem. 


The funding is earmarked for the development of Orienspace's first liquid propellant rocket, Gravity-2, which features a reusable first stage and aims to offer competitive payload capacities to various orbits, demonstrating China's pursuit of innovation in space technology.

Why It Matters:

Orienspace has completed significant steps towards the launch of Gravity-2, including the production of the Yuanli-85 engine and plans for a full hot fire test, underscoring the company's progress in rocket technology. Despite the dominance of SpaceX in the reusable rocket sector, Orienspace's efforts, including its successful launch of a sea-based rocket in January, highlight China's growing capabilities and ambitions in the commercial space industry, aiming for more frequent launches at reduced costs.

Key Details:

  • The development of the Gravity-2 rocket, featuring a first stage planned for reusability and impressive payload capacities to various orbits, marks a significant technological leap.
  • Matching the price per kilogram of SpaceX's Falcon 9, Gravity-2 positions China as a competitive player in the cost-sensitive launch market.
"Orienspace's achievements are a testament to China's rapidly advancing space capabilities and its growing influence in the global space industry," said Yao Song, CEO of Orienspace.

What's Next:

With the first Gravity-2 launch anticipated in 2025 or 2026, the industry eagerly awaits its performance and market impact. Orienspace also envisages the development of Gravity-3 and plans to increase its launch frequency to 10 times a year within three years, aiming for a revenue target of 1 billion yuan ($140 million), which would facilitate a smoother path towards an initial public offering.

Dive Deeper:

The strategic alignment of technological advancements with government-backed incentives and policy support highlights a concerted effort to propel China's space industry forward. Orienspace's initiatives, from its successful debut launch to its bold funding maneuvers, epitomize the synergy between private ambition and public support in driving technological innovation.


The Gravity-1 rocket completed its inaugural launch from a ship in the Yellow Sea in January 2024, deploying three commercial weather satellites into orbit. The rocket demonstrated its capability by carrying approximately 14,300 pounds (6,500 kilograms) to low Earth orbit and set new records for Chinese space endeavors.

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