December 14, 2023
4 min

New Protocol Unlocks Income Generation Inside the World’s Largest Crypto Asset

Babylon raises $18M for their Bitcoin staking protocol.


Big Idea:

Babylon, a project focused on creating a Bitcoin-secured decentralized world, has raised $18 million in a funding round. Polychain Capital and Hack VC co-led the round, with participation from several other venture capital firms.

Why It Matters:

The funds raised will be utilized to further develop Babylon's Bitcoin staking protocol. This protocol aims to convert the existing 21 million Bitcoins into a decentralized staking asset for the proof-of-stake (PoS) economy in a trustless manner. 

Babylon addresses the historical challenge in PoS chains where security is often tied to their native assets. Emerging chains face difficulties in attracting staking due to limited resources, resulting in high inflation to incentivize staking. This leads to a fragmented ecosystem where networks compete for staked capital.

Key Details:

  • The DeFi market, a crucial component of blockchain technology, is currently valued at $77 billion, highlighting the vast potential impact of Babylon's technology.
  • Babylon's protocol, the first to introduce Bitcoin staking in PoS chains, could dramatically increase the security and economic health of these networks without the need for high inflationary rewards.

Dive Deeper:

Babylon introduced the concept of Bitcoin Staking, allowing Bitcoin holders to contribute crypto-economic security to PoS systems and earn PoS yields by staking their Bitcoin. This development is aligned with the original spirit of Bitcoin and does not require any soft or hard fork of the Bitcoin chain. The recent Glassnode report highlighting a significant portion of dormant Bitcoins supports the need for such development, suggesting untapped potential to boost the economic security of PoS chains and decentralized applications.

"Babylon's introduction of a Bitcoin staking protocol not only unlocks Bitcoin’s potential but also paves the way for innovative Bitcoin-backed services and native blockchain advancements. We eagerly anticipate the ripple effects Babylon will create, positively influencing new chains and enhancing security across the entire blockchain landscape." - Luke Pearson, General Partner, Polychain Capital.

What’s Next:

The immediate focus is on further developing Babylon's technology, with plans for a second testnet and a mainnet launch later in the year.

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