January 9, 2024
4 min

Nanomedicine Is The Future of Safe and Effective Drug Therapies

Nanomedicine startups like Taiwan Liposome Company are using proprietary lipid delivery technology to treat diseases at the cellular level.


Big Idea:

Nanomedicine enables targeted drug delivery at the molecular and cellular levels. This precision allows for the delivery of therapeutic agents directly to the affected cells or tissues and can minimize side effects. Taiwan Liposome Company (TLC) is a clinical-stage biotech firm dedicated to developing and commercializing nanomedicines. Their focus is a proprietary lipid-assembled drug delivery platform using approved active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).

Why It Matters:

The nanomedicine industry is on a growth trajectory, projected to reach $358 billion by 2032. 

State Of Play:

TLC leverages the streamlined 505(b)(2) regulatory pathway in the United States due to its use of already approved APIs. This simplifies the approval process for their product candidates. TLC's collaborations with Endo and 3SBio for commercialization and regulatory approvals in new markets will expand its global footprint.

Key Details:

  • The company employs two key technology platforms – BioSeizer® and NanoX®. 
  • BioSeizer® focuses on lipid formulation, enabling both sustained release and fast onset of APIs at the disease site, enhancing pharmacokinetic control. 
  • NanoX® is an active drug loading technology that improves toxicity profiles, potentially reducing dosing frequency and enhancing API distribution.

What's Next:

Expect TLC to leverage its proprietary technologies and partnerships to launch innovative products in key markets. The focus will be on expanding its customer base and navigating regulatory landscapes to deliver advanced therapies to more patients worldwide.

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 "datePublished": "2024-01-09"

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