December 15, 2023
4 min

Hut 8 Acquires Four Power Plants Post Merger

Hut 8 is not investing in just Bitcoin mining but AI infrastructure and computing.


Big Idea: 

After recently merging with US Bitcoin Corp, Hut 8 is accelerating its growth by acquiring four Ontario natural gas power plants and a bitcoin mining site in North Bay from Validus Power Corp through their subsidiary, BidCo. The power plants combined have a capacity of 310 megawatts.

Why It Matters:

In 2023, the global Bitcoin mining industry doubled its capacity to a hashrate of 480 EH/s, consuming 95.58 terawatt-hours annually. This surge underscores the necessity for more high-performance computing. Hut 8's CEO, Jaime Leverton, emphasized that the acquisition aligns with the company's vision to scale rapidly and cost-effectively. The purchase of the Ontario sites through a stalking horse bid offers opportunities to utilize idle infrastructure, machinery, and enhance energy pricing certainty.

Key Details:

  • Hut 8's post-merger operational capacity now boasts about 825 MW across six sites, including a significant self-mining capacity of 7.5 EH/s.
  • The acquisition of four natural gas power plants in Ontario enhances sustainable energy use in Bitcoin mining and AI applications.
  • 40 MW facility in Kapuskasing
  • 110 MW facility in Kingston
  • 120 MW facility in Iroquois Falls
  • 40 MW facility and Bitcoin mine in North Bay
  • This expansion enables Hut 8 to harness more sustainable energy resources for Bitcoin mining, potentially reducing the environmental impact.

State of Play:

Hut 8's acquisition strategy extends beyond cryptocurrency mining. The company aims to leverage its capabilities in data center infrastructure and software to tap into emerging markets, particularly AI infrastructure and computing.

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