November 23, 2023
2 min

Gulfstream Achieves First 100% Sustainable Flight

Gulfstream has achieved a groundbreaking milestone in aviation sustainability by completing the first-ever flight using 100% SAF


Big Idea:

Gulfstream completed their world-first trans-Atlantic flight powered by 100% Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). SAF consists entirely of Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids (pure HEFA), derived from refinement of renewable inputs like oils and fats. SAF boasts a minimum of 70% lower lifecycle CO2 emissions compared to fossil-based jet fuel.

Why It Matters:

Achieving environmental sustainability for the aviation industry is now tangible. SAF could become commercially viable and propel more climate friendly advancements in the future.

By the Numbers:

  • The Gulfstream G600 flew for 7 hours from Savannah, Georgia to Farnborough, UK on 100% SAF.
  • Gulstream has more than 3,000 aircrafts in service around the world.
  • Over 225,000 commercial flights have used SAF since 2011.
“Gulfstream is innovating for a sustainable future,” said Mark Burns, President of Gulfstream. “One of the keys to reaching business aviation’s long-term decarbonization goals is the broad use of SAF in place of fossil-based jet fuel. The completion of this world-class flight helps to advance business aviation’s overarching sustainability mission and create positive environmental impacts for future generations.”

What's Next:

The success of Gulfstream's flight is expected to boost more exploration into SAF's capabilities and compatibility, influencing both regulatory frameworks and market dynamics towards more sustainable aviation practices.

The Intrigue:

SAF has limited current market supply and prices are considerably higher than conventional fossil-based fuels. Presently, SAF constitutes less than 0.1% of jet fuel volumes, and existing fuel standards permit only a 50% SAF blend in commercial jet engines.

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