January 18, 2024
5 min

Finnish Startup Raises €26M For Upcycling Old Tesla Batteries

Cactos upcycles Tesla batteries for energy storage units but the low cost of lithium iron phosphate cells could disrupt their business.


Big Idea:

Finnish startup, Cactos, specializes in repurposing decommissioned Tesla batteries into smart electricity storage units, attracting €26 million in equity funding. Upcycling not only gives old batteries a second life but provides a sustainable solution for aging power units.

Why It Matters:

Cactos' business aligns with the EU’s transition to green energy evidenced by additional funding for battery manufacturing and EU regulations for battery passports. Investors recognize its significance in supporting the green transition and the need for clean electricity production infrastructure.

How It Works:

Cactos disassembles Tesla batteries, tests and extracts viable modules, integrating them into battery energy storage systems (BESS) that optimize electricity consumption, offering a new lease of life for the aging batteries. 

They use a proprietary cloud-based control software, Cactos Spine, to manage and optimize the energy storage units. The system ensures consistent energy supply during usage peaks or blackouts and maximizes benefits by adapting to lower electricity prices, addressing concerns about electricity supply and market volatility for businesses.

Key Details:

  • Funding led by OP Finland Infrastructure LP and the Finnish Climate Fund.
  • Cactos promises clients benefits such as price stability, reduced consumption during demand peaks, backup power, and efficient use of property-generated electricity.
"Tesla batteries are of very good quality and include features that make them suitable for BESS applications," says Oskari Jaakkola, CEO, and founder of Cactos.

What's Next:

With the fresh funding, Cactos aims to build a portfolio of over 1,000 storage systems. 

Yes, But: 

The certainty of using old Tesla batteries as a long-term solution is challenged by the decreasing cost of new lithium iron phosphate cells. However, these aging batteries still find relevance, especially among ESG-focused clients.


In November 2022, Cactos raised €2.5 million in a funding round led by Superhero Capital, with additional investment from the founders. The funding was used to build new energy storage facilities and expand the existing Muhos plant.

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