January 3, 2024
2 min

Decentralized Science Is the Future of Innovation

Explore how Web3 and blockchain are revolutionizing science, ensuring data integrity and fostering collaborative, verifiable research advancements.


Big Idea:

Centralization of research and data has contributed to the lack of trust in scientific institutions and research, leading to a replicability crisis and wasting of taxpayer funds. The emergence of Web3 and blockchain technology provides a pathway for open access to data and manuscripts to ensure data integrity, scalability, flexibility, and data sovereignty while eliminating data silos. This model will create incentives for scientists to share research, data, and code openly, leading to progress and verifiable discoveries with the potential to improve human lives.

Why It Matters:

Open science practices, including open access to scientific manuscripts, are crucial to decentralize science within the FAIR principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable). 

State Of Play:

VitaDAO is a decentralized biotech company dedicated to longevity science research. They communicate openly on platforms like Discord and Discourse and token holders can vote on strategic decisions.

Key Details:

  • 47 out of 53 landmark cancer studies could not be reproduced, indicating a serious replication crisis.
  • Decentralized Science (DeSci) utilizes Web3 and blockchain tools like IPFS to democratize access to scientific data, ensuring integrity and reproducibility.
  • This shift could revolutionize scientific research, enhancing credibility, fostering collaboration, and increasing the pace of discoveries.
  • DeSci initiatives like Molecule Platform, VitaDAO, and Antidote DAO are pioneering new models for funding and conducting scientific research.

What’s Next:

Open science raises questions about the balance between open accessibility and the need to protect sensitive data. However FAIR principles don't mandate blanket data accessibility and decentralized tools like IPFS allow controlled access. Funding agencies are also encouraging data sharing. It seems the adoption of open science practices is becoming essential for progress in scientific research.

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