January 5, 2024
5 min

Carbon Removal Startup Secures $5M for U.S. Biochar Facility

Biochar is made from agricultural waste and one of the most inexpensive yet effective ways for removing CO2 from the atmosphere.


Big Idea:

Nexus Development Capital has invested $5 million in Standard Biocarbon, a pioneer in biochar production utilizing 100% sustainably sourced wood chips, to advance scalable carbon capture technology and soil improvement, transforming waste and biomass into climate-beneficial material.

Why It Matters:

Biochar's potential in carbon sequestration is on the rise, with the global market value reaching $702 million in 2023. Its effectiveness in trapping carbon dioxide and enhancing soil quality makes it effective in climate solutions. The International Biochar Institute estimates biochar could capture up to 3 billion metric tons of CO2 annually, reducing global emissions by as much as 6%.

Key Details:

  • Biochar is a charcoal-like material made from plant residues, such as agricultural waste, transformed at high temperatures into an energy-producing, renewable resource.
  • Standard Biocarbon's advanced biochar production facility utilizes biomass, such as wood or crop waste, to create a stable carbon sequestration solution.
  • Standard Biocarbon's facility in Maine, backed by Nexus Development's investment, is set to produce 16,000 cubic yards of biochar annually, capturing 3,000 tons of carbon.
  • The project enhances carbon capture technology and offers a range of environmental benefits, including soil improvement and hazardous waste remediation.
Joshua Kaufman, CEO of Nexus Development Capital said: “Biochar is one of the most cost-effective and commercially ready approaches for removing CO2 from the atmosphere. Scaling these types of carbon removal facilities is now one of our biggest opportunities. We see Standard Biocarbon as one of the first to bring these in-demand carbon sequestration solutions online to meet the huge appetite across multiple sectors.”

What’s Next:

The facility, starting operations in 2024, aims to boost biochar technology. As biochar production scales, monitoring competing technologies like direct air capture or synthetic methods is vital to adapt to shifts in carbon capture solutions.

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