November 29, 2023
1 min

Canada to Finance Nuclear Future with Green Energy Bonds

The Canadian Government's latest Green Bond Program accepts nuclear energy expenditures as green investments.


Big Idea:

Canada's latest Green Bond Program update integrates nuclear energy expenditures as green investments, aligning with the 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan and global standards. 

The framework update follows a successful inaugural $5 billion Green Bond launched in March 2022, which attracted over $11 billion in orders.

Why It Matters:

The program reflects a perspective shift in sustainable investment strategies, recognizing nuclear energy as a legitimate green alternative. 

Key Details:

  • The integration of nuclear energy expenditures in Canada's Green Bond Framework is similar to the EU's Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities.
  • Incentivizing investments in nuclear energy could reshape Canada's energy landscape and influence global energy policies.
  • Key players include Bruce Power, Ontario Power Generation and Sustainalytics, providing crucial support and validation for this initiative.

What's Next:

The Canadian government plans another green bond issue under the updated framework. This will further test the market receptivity for nuclear-inclusive green bonds.

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