January 4, 2024
3 min

Can Therapeutic Plasma Exchange Treatment Reverse Aging?

'Spring cleaning' your blood is the latest in longevity science and can potentially combat aging-related diseases.


Big Idea:

Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (TPE), traditionally a treatment for autoimmune disorders, has emerged as a new technique in longevity science. By cleansing the blood of aging-related cells and replenishing it with clean, individualized plasma-like fluids, this process supports the body and brain's ability to combat degeneration.

 Why It Matters:

TPE aligns with the focus on personalized medicine and regenerative therapies for combating aging diseases like Alzheimer's at the cellular level. With an aging global population, TPE's potential in reducing healthcare burdens and enhancing life quality gains relevance.

Key Details:

  • TPE removes plasma containing aging-contributing cells, such as senescent cells and free radicals, and replaces it with therapeutic substances like albumin, offering a unique approach to treating aging and chronic diseases.
  • Studies show TPE can reduce days on mechanical ventilation, ICU length of stay, and 35-day mortality in severe COVID-19 cases.
  • This approach shows promise for treating a broad range of conditions, from autoimmune diseases to neurodegenerative disorders.

What’s Next:

TPE’s principle of 'spring cleaning' the blood is a radical way to treat aging. Specific figures are still pending but ongoing research and trials will reveal more results of TPE’s efficacy. 

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