January 4, 2024
4 min

Bitcoin Miners Broaden Revenue Streams Beyond Mining Amid Bull Market

Major miners like CleanSpark, Hut 8 and Marathon Digital are taking control and looking for new ways to make money.


Big Idea:

CleanSpark, one of the largest US Bitcoin miners, is set to launch an in-house trading desk, seizing control of its substantial Bitcoin holdings to optimize returns. Against the backdrop of a bullish Bitcoin market, the move makes sense because of the company’s large Bitcoin holdings, fostering autonomy and risk management.

Why It Matters:

This is a growing trend among Bitcoin miners to employ their crypto derivatives and broaden their revenue stream beyond mining. Marathon Digital is selling Bitcoin call options contracts as a means of generating additional revenue and Hut 8 is pursuing AI opportunities after their merger.

Key Details:

  • CleanSpark holds 2,575 Bitcoins valued at $97 million as of November.
  • The in-house trading desk signifies a strategic shift for Bitcoin miners, allowing them to actively manage risks and capitalize on market expertise.
  • As Bitcoin's value surges, the move is timely, aligning with optimism for a potential US-approved Bitcoin ETF, driving miners to explore diversified revenue streams.
Zachary Bradford, CleanSpark's CEO, affirms, "It just makes financial sense to do it in-house. That way, you can manage it with your own risk profiles and expertise and keep a really close eye on it."

What's Next:

CleanSpark plans to align its strategies with regulated crypto offerings like CME-traded option contracts, ensuring a secure approach to trading while safeguarding assets with reputable custodians like Coinbase.

Yes, but:

The strategy carries inherent risks, challenging the industry to balance newfound financial autonomy with the potential for market volatility.

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