January 11, 2024
5 min

Biotech Startup Secures $57M for Non-Invasive Gene Editing Technology

Moonwalk Biosciences uses advanced AI to predict epigenetic targets to treat aging-related diseases.


Big Idea:

Moonwalk Biosciences, co-founded by CRISPR pioneer Feng Zhang and former Illumina CTO Alex Aravanis, has secured $57 million in funding to advance gene therapy with its epigenetic editing technology.

Why It Matters:

The gene therapy market, set to surge from $7.18 billion in 2024 to $24.67 billion by 2029, continues to innovate with Moonwalk's non-invasive epigenetic editing. This method, targeting epigenetic modifications over DNA alteration, provides safer, more effective treatments for chronic and aging-related diseases.

Key Details:

  • Moonwalk's technology leverages methylation and demethylation processes, enabling gene activity alteration without DNA structure changes.
  • Moonwalk claims to be the first to combine an epigenetic discovery platform with precise engineering, using advanced AI to predict epigenetic targets and a comprehensive set of epigenetic engineering tools.
  • Moonwalk is backed by prominent venture firms like Alpha Wave Ventures and ARCH Venture Partners.
“Epigenetics is the software of the genome. While changes to the genome are irreversible, edits to the epigenome can be reprogrammed in different ways. Epigenetic changes determine whether genes are turned on or off, and can potentially reverse disease, broadening the therapeutic landscape to find potential cures previously thought impossible,” said Alex Aravanis, M.D., Ph.D., CEO and Co-Founder, Moonwalk Biosciences.

What's Next:

The next steps include clinical trials to validate the safety and efficacy of its epigenetic editing technique. As this technology advances, it could challenge the industry's belief that traditional gene editing, such as CRISPR-Cas9, is the only path forward for gene therapy.

Dive Deeper: 

Moonwalk's approach, utilizing AI for predicting epigenetic targets, leverages the body's natural regulation system, offering a nuanced approach to gene control. This resonates with the trend in biotechnology towards precision and personalization, moving away from one-size-fits-all solutions.

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