February 27, 2024
4 min

Biodiversity Funds Thrive As Nature Conservation Becomes The Next Sustainability Metric

Corporations recognize biodiversity loss is a threat to global economies and ecosystems and they hope to address the impact with strategic investments.


Big Idea:

Many corporations have pledged to combat biodiversity and nature loss, but face challenges in defining metrics and aligning actions with broader biodiversity goals. 

State of Play:

  • The Taskforce on Nature-Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) has gained commitments from over 300 organizations for nature-related disclosures, aiming to clarify these challenges and enable decisive action.
  • The European Parliament passed a bill aimed at protecting nature within the EU. This legislation is part of the EU's Green Deal, aiming to restore 20% of the EU's land and seas by 2030.
  • S&P Dow Jones Indices introduced biodiversity-centric versions of its flagship S&P 500 and Global LargeMidCap indices, designed to help investors integrate sustainability factors, including biodiversity, UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and climate change, into their benchmarking processes.

Why It Matters:

As the global community grapples with escalating biodiversity loss and environmental degradation, innovative financial mechanisms like biodiversity funds represent a pathway for mobilizing capital towards sustainable practices. This initiative underscores the growing recognition of biodiversity as a paramount concern within the investment world.

Key Details:

  • Lester Asset Management (LAM) introduced the Lynx Global Biodiversity Fund, aiming to direct investments towards companies dedicated to nature conservation and environmental sustainability.
  • LAM manages over $330 million in assets, with a history of profitable investments in environmental sustainability.
  • The Lynx Global Biodiversity Fund is among Canada's first to explicitly focus on biodiversity, targeting investments in ecosystem restoration, green infrastructure, pollution control, and sustainable agriculture.

The Intrigue:

European farmers have expressed concerns that the new environmental rules threaten their livelihoods, leading to protests across various EU countries. Farmers argue that the legislation imposes excessive restrictions, harms competition due to cheap imports, and results in low incomes.

The Bottom Line:

The Lynx Global Biodiversity Fund represents a novel approach to aligning investment strategies with environmental sustainability goals. By prioritizing investments in companies actively engaged in preserving biodiversity, LAM is paving the way for a more sustainable future, demonstrating that financial success and ecological stewardship can go hand in hand.

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