November 30, 2023
3 min

Battery Passports to Transform Global Battery Industry by 2027

EU battery regulations are pushing for more transparency from battery manufacturers but the US has yet to catch on to the idea.


Big Idea:

The EU's battery passport initiative is a part of the broader EU battery regulations adopted earlier this year which set the minimum content of recycled materials for newly manufactured batteries. Battery passports are how these recycled content minimums will be tracked and traced. In addition to recycled content, there is a significant data tracking aspect related to new methodologies in tracking carbon credits.  

Why It Matters:

Battery passport regulations open the door for more tech forward ways to connect batteries and the richness of data they contain to consumers and businesses. This covers battery safety and monitoring, whether or not a battery is likely to catch fire, and what is considered the holy grail in the EV world: an independent battery health score to understand the health of the battery (where up to 50% of the value of the EV is in the battery). 

Key Details:

  • Every battery over 2kWh requires a passport by 2027 (the average size of an EV battery is 40kWh).
  • Carbon credits and debits of EV batteries will no longer use kilograms of manufactured battery material to calculate kilograms of carbon, but rather a complex algorithm related to discharging and recharging the battery over time and carbon intensity of the electricity used to charge over the lifetime. How battery passports can participate in this credit creation redemption process remains to be seen.
  • Various consortiums have been established to help manufacturers and OEMs comply with the regulations. Notable consortium partners include BMW, Audi, Mercedes Benz, Tesla, Glencore, LG and others.
  • Battery manufacturers, consumers, insurers, recyclers and environmental agencies are all stakeholders in this new regime.

What's Next:

A massive funding wave has emerged for battery recycling startups in the wake of the new EU battery regulations. These battery recyclers are constrained by geography and massive projects are popping up around the world. Expect an equal wave of funding in the coming years related to information connected to the Battery Passport.

Dive Deeper:

The battery passport system transcends compliance; it acts as a catalyst for change. It influences manufacturers to embrace greener practices upstream among Chinese manufacturers which might otherwise not be held accountable. It also supports the circular economy by promoting recycling and upcycling, reducing waste.

The Intrigue:

This system's integration presents challenges and opportunities across the supply chain, from mining to recycling, highlighting the interconnectedness of the industry and the global economy.

Between the Lines:

The EU is pushing for a shift in industry practices, demanding greater transparency and responsibility from manufacturers and influencing global market trends. The system faces skepticism from the largest market in the world, the United States, which has not signaled adoption of any kind of Battery Passport to date.

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