March 8, 2024
5 min

AWS Acquired Nuclear-Powered Data Center for $650M

Talen Energy will supply the Pennsylvania-based AWS data center with carbon-free nuclear power.


Big Idea:

AWS has acquired Talen Energy's Cumulus Data data center campus in Pennsylvania for $650 million, which is located at a nuclear power station and includes all the land, power infrastructure, and intangibles.

State of Play: 

AWS plans to develop up to a 960MW data center campus in northeast Pennsylvania, with two 10-year extension options tied to nuclear license renewals and minimum contractual power commitments that ramp up in 120 MW increments.

Why It Matters:

Talen Energy will supply AWS with direct-connect, carbon-free power for the data center campus, and under a separate agreement, Talen will also receive additional revenue from AWS related to sales of carbon-free energy to the grid.

Key Details:

  • AWS acquired the Cumulus data center campus for $650 million, planning to develop a 960MW facility.
  • The campus is powered by the 2.5GW Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, one of the largest nuclear power plants in the US.


Talen Energy, founded in 2015, established Cumulus Growth in 2020, comprising Cumulus Data for hyperscale data centers and Cumulus Coin for digital currency mining.

What's Next:

There are numerous synergies between datacenter infrastructure and cryptocurrency mining sites, so similar acquisitions are likely to occur in the future.

The Bottom Line:

AWS's acquisition of a nuclear-powered data center campus underscores the tech industry's shift towards sustainable energy solutions, with significant implications for the future of data center operations and green energy adoption.

Yes, but:

While nuclear power offers a carbon-free energy source, concerns about nuclear waste and safety remain, highlighting the need for continued innovation in sustainable energy technologies.

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