February 20, 2024
3 min

Australia Bolsters Nickel Industry Amid Global Price Tumble

By adding nickel to the critical mineral list, nickel has access to a multi-billion dollar stimulus fund to support Australia's domestic production.


Big Idea:

The inclusion of nickel in Australia's list of critical minerals opens a new chapter of governmental support for the industry, aiming to revitalize an essential link in the global green technology supply chain.

Why It Matters:

To protect its nickel sector from the protracted downturn in global prices, the Australian Federal Government has earmarked nickel as a critical mineral, thereby qualifying it for a significant A$6 billion stimulus package. This decision underscores a commitment to sustaining the country's nickel production.

State of Play:

The nickel industry is facing oversupply, primarily driven by increased production of lower-grade ore in Indonesia, which has led to a significant price slump. This has challenged the viability of Australian operations but also has broader implications for the global supply chain.

Key Details:

  • The international nickel price is anticipated to remain subdued through 2024, influenced by market oversupply.
  • Nickel's critical status for green technologies places it at the heart of the energy transition.
  • The stimulus aims to stabilize the Australian nickel industry, ensuring its contribution to global energy transition efforts.
  • Key players like BHP and Glencore have faced profitability challenges, prompting reevaluations of their nickel ventures in Australia.


Australian mining company BHP Group experienced an 86% decline in net income for the first half of the year , leading to a $2.5 billion impairment on its Australian nickel assets. Their CEO Mike Henry highlighted a potential multi-year period of nickel oversupply lasting until the end of this decade, emphasizing the current unprofitability of their nickel business amidst this prolonged market condition.

"The support for nickel producers is vital for our national interest as well as the global push towards a more sustainable future," stated Madeleine King, Australia’s Minister for Resources.

Dive Deeper:

The decision to support the nickel industry reflects a broader strategic imperative to secure Australia's place in the supply chains for technologies essential to the energy transition. By fostering a more resilient and sustainable nickel sector, Australia not only safeguards its economic interests but also contributes to the global effort to combat climate change.

Yes, but:

The global nickel market remains volatile, with price recoveries contingent on broader industry adjustments and demand for high-grade nickel.

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