January 24, 2024
5 min

£200M Bet That Data Center Heat Reuse Is The Next Circular Economy

Data center heat reuse is trending as organizations like Amazon, Meta and Deep Green find innovative ways to warm neighboring facilities.


Big Idea:

It is a known fact that data centers are always on and emit a lot of heat. Administrators diligently manage equipment to prevent overheating but a notable trend is emerging where certain data centers opt to repurpose their generated heat rather than releasing it. Numerous organizations are adopting innovative strategies to reuse the heat generated by their data centers, warming other facilities, residences in neighboring communities, and even swimming pools in environmentally friendly ways.

Why It Matters:

London-based startup, Deep Green, installs small data centers at energy-intensive sites, turning waste heat from computers into hot water for swimming pools. They recently secured a £200 million investment from Octopus Energy to scale up its technology and expand its services to more swimming pools across England. 

Key Details:

  • Data centers can significantly cut down on energy consumption dedicated to temperature maintenance by redirecting heat.
  • Environmental gains include the reduction of energy use from alternative sources, fostering economic efficiency and long-term cost savings.
  • Redirecting excess heat in data centers not only significantly reduces the energy required for temperature maintenance but also aligns with global efforts to decrease carbon emissions. Governments, particularly in France and Denmark, incentivize this through feasibility studies for building permits, offering potential tax advantages.

State Of Play:

  • Meta has constructed a data center in Odense, Denmark, with a focus on heat recovery and reliance on 100% renewable energy. The facility aims to annually recover and donate 100,000 megawatt hours of energy from its servers. Utilizing a district heating system, the generated heat is redirected to warm local structures, including a hospital and surrounding buildings.
  • Apple is planning an expansion of its data center in Viborg, Denmark, intending to redirect excess heat to warm water for the local power station and district heating system. Powered by wind turbines, the facility ensures all surplus energy is reintegrated into the Danish grid. 
  • Amazon's Tallaght data center in Dublin employs an air-handling unit to recycle heat drawn from servers, warming water in the process. This heated water is then directed to an energy center outside the warehouse, where heat pumps further elevate its temperature. The facility saves an estimated 1,400 tons of CO2 emissions annually, providing heat to various local public and commercial buildings, along with 135 apartments.
  • Blockheating has the technology to enable data centers to repurpose waste heat for greenhouse warming. In this innovative system, a 200-kilowatt data center has the potential to heat 1 hectare of greenhouse space, supporting the cultivation of over 88,000 pounds of tomatoes monthly without additional energy consumption. The technology employs a specialized radiator to cool water, maintaining optimal data center temperatures. Warmed water is then circulated to the greenhouse through a connected system of pipes.

Yes, But:

Despite the environmental and economic benefits, challenges such as high infrastructure startup costs, geography, technological complexities, and potential energy losses during transmission hinder the widespread adoption of data center heat reuse. Optimal monitoring and optimization of heat cycling, liquid cooling, and airflow dynamics are crucial considerations.

What's Next:

As the demand for data centers rises, the efficient reuse of heat emerges as a vital component of the circular economy. Overcoming challenges through technological advancements and a global focus on heat reuse is essential for mitigating the environmental impact of energy-intensive data centers.

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